Saturday, February 16, 2019

Issue with Exm contacts Sitecore 9

Encountered below error in Exm in sitecore 9.

Below is the error in the log file.

ERROR [Sitecore Services]: HTTP GET
URL http://[hostName]/sitecore/api/ssc/ListManagement/ContactList?pageSize=20&pageIndex=0&payLoad=full&language=en&rootId=&filter=getSegmentedLists&searchExpression=&sc_lang=en

Exception System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
   at Lucene.Net.Util.BitVector.Get(Int32 bit)

Resolution: The above issue got resolved after completing rebuilding the search indexes & "sitecore_list_index".

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Sitecore Multi-Site best Practices

1. Create role for each site (SiteA, SiteB) which will have same access rights as Sitecore admin Role however each role will have access to its own site node and associated nodes (such as template, layout, renderings, Media library).

2. Create content Author Role for each site which will have access to respective site node and media library only (restrict access to other nodes).

3. If there are any shared contents which both sites need access to in the future, should be kept outside home node and respective roles should have access to it.

4. Separate site configuration items and global configuration items

5. Organize template, media library, layouts and renderings in site specific folder.

6. SiteResolving should be set true for internal links to consider different domains. Refer the link for more info

7. Need to use patch to add site configuration and need to follow the naming conventions for config file if both the sites are sharing the same website folder.

Sitecore Commerce update2 installation in few steps

First step is to install Sitecore 9 update2, to install Sitecore 9 please follow below steps
     1. Set up Solr 6.6.2, follow this blog post in Setting up Solr Make sure your solr is up & running.
     2. To install sitecore 9 follow this link sitecore-9-0-2-installation
     3. Download installation scripts from this link sitecore 9 installation.

For Sitecore commerce installation make sure sitecore 9 update2 instance and Solr is up and running.
Please follow steps for Sitecore commerce 9 update 2.

Download required prerequisites

1. Download and Install .NET Core 2.0
2. Download and Install .NET Core Windows Server Hosting 2.0.0
3. Download Sitecore Powershell Extensions 4.7.2 from Sitecore Marketplace
4. Copy downloaded file into folder "C:\deploy\assets", Please see the below screen shot for the same

Deploy folder with necessary assets already downloaded for you guys, Please click here to download installation files

Commerce 9 update2 installation issues & resolutions

Issue3: One or more exceptions occurred while processing the subscribers to the 'item:saved' event.
Resolution : 
Make sure the xConnect site works with SSL(https).
If xConnect site does not work, alternative solution to would be to comment out the item:saved event.

Go to the web site path “\App_Config\Sitecore\ExperienceAnalytics\Sitecore.ExperienceAnalytics.Client.config” comment out

<event name="item:saved">

Issue4: Ensure/Sync default content paths for: AdventureWorksAuthoring
Ensure/Sync default content paths for environment AdventureWorksAuthoring failed, please check Engine service logs for more info.

Resolution :
Previous steps took long time to execute and operation might have timed out. To solve this issue increase the timeout setting value in "SitecoreUtilityTasks.psm1" file for all the operations located under "C:\deploy\SIF.Sitecore.Commerce.1.2.14\Modules\SitecoreUtilityTasks"  and
Change the connection string in identity server appsetting file to

Re-run the installation from where it has stopped.
